Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease in Leesburg, VA
Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects around one million people in the United States. Almost a quarter of people who suffer from Parkinson’s have a family member with the disease.
Dr. Seth Tuwiner provides comprehensive testing and treatment for Parkinson's disease at his office in Leesburg, VA. Learn more about Parkinson's disease and call (703) 293-5244 to schedule your appointment today.
Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Symptoms of Parkinson's start subtly and progress as you age. Knowing the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease can help lead to an early diagnosis and thus, an early treatment. Generally early symptoms of Parkinson's can be easily missed due to their lack of severity, and may often appear as accidentally dropping things or a muddled sense of touch.
Tremors is the symptom that is most commonly associated with Parkinson’s Disease. It will usually start in the hand or fingers, and eventually progress to the rest of the body.
- Movement may slow as the disease progresses.
- This makes your daily routine arduous and may require you to get additional help with common tasks.
- You may experience restricted movement as your muscles and tendons begin to tighten.
- You may experience short paces and poor posture due to small spasms or tightened muscle and tendon movement.
- Writing and speech may become difficult as the disease begins to progress.
Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease
Unfortunately, there is no test that can be used to diagnose Parkinson’s Disease. You should speak with a neurologist who will review your medical history and current symptoms to determine if a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease fits. A neurologist will perform multiple tests to eliminate other similar diagnoses. Follow up appointments may be required as Parkinson’s may need to be monitored to see if conditions worsen.
Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease
Although the medical industry is working towards a cure for Parkinson’s Disease, presently, there is no cure. However, there are medications that can be used to help treat symptoms. It is also very common for doctors to also prescribe physical therapy.
Because Parkinson's Disease presents itself differently among people, treatment can vary. Common medications for treating Parkinson’s Disease can include Duopa/Carbidopa-levodopa, Amantadine, and many more.
Parkinson's Evaluation and Treatment in Leesburg VA
Dr. Seth Tuwiner and the Virginia Center for Neuroscience can help diagnose Parkinson's and connect you with the resources you need to help deal with the progression of the illness. Call us today at 703-293-5244.